• Who can apply?

All individuals or organizations wishing to operate, handle, serve or sell food within Amenfi Central District.

  • How to apply?
    • Purchase a medical form from the Assembly’s Revenue Office
    • Submit the medical from to any health facility for medical examination.
    • Return form with results and two (2) passport size pictures to the District Environmental Health Officer at the Assembly’s office.
    • When found to be medically fit to handle, prepare, serve or sell food, the certificate is issued the same day upon payment of the approved fee

Please Note:

  1. Forms should be submitted with the appropriate payment receipt/slip
  2. Fee charged by Assembly for issuance of Food Vendors/Handlers Certificate are subject to change and regulated by Fee Fixing Resolution adopted by the General Assembly annually.

Licensing of Hospitality Facility/Premises

Owners, managers, or operators of hotels, Motel, Guesthouses, Hostel, Restaurant, and Eating-Houses are required to acquire environmental sanitation certification from the Assembly on the suitability of their facility or premises intended purpose and renew same annually.

How to apply?

  1. Purchase application form from Revenue Office at Main Assembly’s office
  2. Submit the completed application form to the District Environmental Health Officer at the main office.
  3. Return form with results and two (2) passport size pictures to the District Environmental Health Officer at the Assembly’s office.
  4. When found to be medically fit to handle, prepare, serve or sell food, the certificate is issued the same day upon payment of the approved fee


  • Must have registered with the Registrar General’s Department and have been issued with Certificate of Incorporation/Certificate to commence Business.
  • Introductory letter from Ghana Tourist Authority.
  • Evidence of medically certified attendants to operate in the hospitality industry.


  • Officers from the Environmental and Public Health Unit Inspect Applicant’s premises and submit a report on findings within three (3) working days of submission of the application form.
  • District Environmental and Public Health Officer issues a Certificate of suitability to the applicant through Ghana Tourist Authority within two (2) working days after the inspection.
  • The Applicant is informed to contact Ghana Tourism Authority(GTA) for his/her license within seven (7) working days of submission of the application form.
  • The District Environmental Health and Public Health Officer upon approval by Ghana Tourism Authority recommends the Applicant to the Assembly for registration and issuance of Business Operating Permit (BOP) at an approved fee.

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