Who can apply?
Any person or organization who has legal title to immobile property or plot of land and intends to develop, redevelop/renovate or change it.
How to Apply
Purchase the Building Permit Application Form (BPA) and TCP Form one (1) from the Revenue office and Development Control Unit at the main office respectively.
The prospective developer must have the following:
Clearance letter after official search on status of land from Lands Commission/Land Title Registry upon issuance of a search letter by the Development Control Unit.
Three (3) sets of working drawings with the following requirements; Site Plan (scale 1:1:250 or 1:2, 500), Building, Fence and Block Plans (scale not less than) 1:20 or 1:40 or metric equivalent 1:1000 & 1:2000).
Building Permit Application Form and Physical Planning Department Form one (1).
Ensure that the under-listed professionals sign the various plans to be attached to the Building Permit Application:
- Professional Town Planner to sign the Block Plan
- Architect or Licensed draughtsman for Architectural plans
- Civil or Structural Engineer for structural drawings for Three (3) stories and above.
Please Note:
You may have to provide the following reports if your development is a multi-story structure or complex: Environmental Impact Assessment Report, Structural Report, Fire Service report, Hydro Report, Geological Report, or Traffic Management Report.
Submit completed forms with all other requirements as specified in the Building Permit Application and TCP one (1) Forms to the officer in charge, at the Development control office Room.
On submission, the applicant is informed of corrections to be made or additions if any; the processing fee, and date for inspection of the site (if necessary).
- Team of officers from Physical Planning and Works Departments inspects the site with the Developer within two (2) weeks of receipt of the application to confirm the site as shown on the Site Plan and its suitability for the proposed development.
- The Statutory Planning Committee Secretary (District Physical Planning Officer) processes the application within two (2) weeks after inspection of the site.
- Technical Committee meets to evaluate the application, visits the site, and makes a recommendation to the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) within four (4) weeks after inspection of the site.
- Statutory Planning Committee considers the Development Applications within fourteen (14) working days after the Technical Committee meeting.
- The Statutory Planning Committee Secretary submits approved plans to the District Works Department for issuing of development permit within five (5) working days.
Collection of Permit
Pay the approved building permit fee at the revenue office of the Assembly and secure your development permit from the Works department, three (3) months after submission of the application.
Please Note:
The receipt issued as payment for the processing fee is NOT a Building Permit
A permit can be obtained within the stipulated three (3) months subject to a proper title to land and standard drawings,
The building permit is valid for five (5) years. Applicants who do not start or complete their project within five (5) years must apply for renewal of the Permit.
Development must conform to the approved Planning Scheme.
Fees charge are subject to change and regulated by Fee Fixing Resolution adopted by the General Assembly annually.
Do not make any false declaration on your application else your application shall be rejected.
Acquisition of Temporal Structure Development Permit
Who can apply?
Any person or organization who intends to develop a Temporal Structure on the reservation, public open space, or acquired land.
How to Apply
Write to the District Chief Executive with details of the applicant’s name, mailing address, telephone contact(s), and intended use of the structure.
Three (3) sets of working drawings with Site Plan (Scale 1:1, 250 or 1:2, 500)
Evidence of ownership or a letter of consent from the landowner or relevant state institution may be applicable.
Processing Procedure
Application is forwarded to District Physical Planning Officer for processing within five (5) working days of submission of application.
- Application is forwarded to District Physical Planning Officer for processing within five (5) working days of submission of application.
- Officers from District Physical Planning and Works Departments inspect the site with the developer to confirm the site as shown on the site plan and its suitability for the proposed development within ten (10) working days of submission of the application.
- The inspection team makes appropriate recommendations to approve or reject the application within five (5) working days of site inspection.
- Pay the approved temporal structure permit fee at the Revenue office and submit the receipt to Development Control Officer.
- Approved application is forwarded to the following officers for their signature;
- District Environmental Health Officer
- District Physical Planning Officer
- District Works Engineer
Collection of Permit
Collect your Development Permit from the Works department, one (1) month after submission of the application.
Please Note
Temporal Structure Permit is valid for six (6) months and subject to renewal. In some cases, validity is twelve calendar months (1) year e.g. ATM sites.
Development must conform to the approved temporal structure permit
Preparation of Land Use Plan
Apply to the District Chief Executive with a base map from Survey Department.
Application is forwarded to the Physical Planning Department for design within five (5) working days of submission.
The initial design is subjected to public consultation for further inputs, recommendations, and/or corrections within fourteen (14) months of submission.
The technical committee meets to evaluate the application and makes a recommendation to the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) within fifteen (15) working days after public consultation.
The statutory Planning Committee meets to approve/deny the application within ten (10) working days after the Technical Committee meeting.
Pay the appropriate fee and obtain your approved Land-use Plan from the Physical Planning Department sixteen (16) months after submission of the application.
The Physical Planning Department then distributes the approved Land Use Plan to other land sector agencies.
Assessment of Rezoning Status
Apply to the District Chief Executive with a copy of the Land Use Plan
An officer from Physical Planning Department is detailed to inspect the site with the Applicant within five (5) working days of submission of the application.
The application is presented to Technical Committee for consideration within ten (10) days after the inspection.
Statutory Planning Committee approves/denies the application within five (5) working days after the Technical Committee meeting.
Pay the appropriate fee and collect your Rezone Land Use Plan from the Physical Planning Department one (1) month after submission of the application
The Physical Planning Department then distributes the approved Rezone Land Use Plan to other land agencies.
Acquisition of Business Operating Permit
Who can apply?
Any individual or registered entity/organization wishing to operate a business within the Metropolis.
How to Apply
Purchase the application form from the Revenue Office at the main office or download it from the Assembly’s website.
Submit the completed application form to the Budget Officer at the Assembly’s office Room
Must have registered with the Registrar General’s Department and have been issued with Certificate of Incorporation/Certificate to commence Business
Registration and permit(s) from Government Agencies/Recognized Association(s) as may be applicable.
Processing Procedure
An inspection team made up of members from Budget Unit, Environmental Health Unit, and Works Department inspect the premises of the applicant within five (5) business days of submission of the application.
The team makes appropriate recommendations to the District Budget Analyst within two (2) business days from the day of their inspection.
Upon recommendation by the inspection team, a permit is issued after five (5) working days of submission of the application at an approved fee.
Business Operating Permit is valid for one (1) year and subjects to renewal
Please Note
Downloaded forms should be submitted with the appropriate payment receipt/slip
Fees charge depends on the Business type, size, and location. Fees are subject to change and regulated by the fee Fixing Resolution adopted by the General Assembly annually.
The process for acquiring a license/permit for some categories of businesses may differ from what has been provided above.
Acquisition of Food Vendors/Handlers Certificate
The Amenfi Central District Assembly (Control of Restaurant and Eating-Houses) By-law 2000, requires any person wishing to operate a Restaurant or Eating House or anyone who is engaged in the preparation, handling or
serving prepared food in any Restaurant or Eating House to be medically certified as free from any communicable disease and renew such certification as directed by appropriate medical authority.
Who can apply?
All individuals or organizations wishing to operate, handle, serve or sell food within the District.
How to Apply
Purchase a medical form from the Assembly’s Revenue Office
Submit the medical form to any health facility for medical examination.
Return form with results and two (2) passport-size pictures to the District Environmental Health Officer at the Assembly’s office.
When found to be medically fit to handle, prepare, serve or sell food, the certificate is issued the same day upon payment of the approved fee.
Please Note
Downloaded forms should be submitted with the appropriate payment receipt/slip
Fees charged by the Assembly for issuance of Food Vendors/Handlers Certificate are subject to change and regulated by Fee Fixing Resolution adopted by the General Assembly annually.
Licensing of Hospitality Facility/Premises
Owners, managers, or operators of hotels, Motel, Guesthouses, Hostel, Restaurant, and Eating-Houses are required to acquire environmental sanitation certification from the assembly on the suitability of their facility or premises’ intended purpose and renew same annually.
Who can apply?
All individuals and organizations wishing to operate a hotel, Motel, Guest House, Hostel, Restaurant, or Eating-House within the District.
How to apply
Purchase application form from Revenue Office at Main Assembly’s office
Submit the completed application form to the District Environmental Health Officer at the main office.
Must have registered with the Registrar General’s Department and have been issued with Certificate of Incorporation/Certificate to commence Business.
Introductory letter from Ghana Tourist Authority.
Evidence of medically certified attendants to operate in the hospitality industry.
Process Procedure
Officers from the Environmental and Public Health Unit Inspect Applicant’s premises and submit a report on findings within three (3) working days of submission of the application form.
District Environmental and Public Health Officer issue a Certificate of suitability to the applicant through Ghana Tourist Authority within two (2) working days after the inspection.
The Applicant is informed to contact the Ghana Tourism Authority (GTA) for his/her license within seven (7) working days of submission of the application form.
The District Environmental Health and Public Health Officer upon approval by Ghana Tourism Authority recommends the Applicant to the Assembly for registration and issuance of a Business Operating Permit (BOP) at an approved fee.
Please Note
Downloaded forms should be submitted with the appropriate payment receipts/slips.
The fee charged by the Assembly depends on the type, size, and location of the business. Fees are subject to change and regulated by fee fixing resolution adopted by the Assembly annually.
Registration of Marriages
Who can apply?
A man and a woman who has consented to marry.
How to apply
Ordinance Marriage; Either or both couple to the intended marriage files a notice at the Registry.
Customary Marriage; Either or both couple submits a formal application to the Registrar of Marriages for the purpose of registering the marriage.
Process Procedure
Ordinance Marriage
- Applicants files Notice of Marriage with the Registry (for 21 days) by providing personal data plus photo identity cards.
- Applicants submit a statutory Declaration, verifying fulfillment with specified statutory requirements in the Marriages Act, 1884-1985 (CAP 127).
- The Registrar’s Certificate is issued to the applicant after twenty-one (21) days (in the absence of a caveat/objection).
- Thereafter, the Marriage may be celebrated within 3 months from the date of the Notice of Marriage.
Customary Marriage
Apply to the Registrar of Marriages in the District in which the marriage was celebrated.
Statutory Declaration by Applicant and parents of the couple.
Marriage is duly Registered.
Notice of Registration of the Marriage is published on the Notice Board within Twenty-Eight (28) days from the date of registration.
Customary Divorce
Apply to the Registrar of Marriages in the District in which the marriage was dissolved.
Statutory Declaration by Applicant.
Dissolution of Marriage is then duly Registered.
Licensing of Church Premises for the celebration of Marriages
- Apply to the District Chief Executive, with a copy to the registrar of Marriages.
- Attach copies of Ordination Certificate, Church Registration Certificate, and Building Permit.
- A technical team of officers from the Assembly inspects the Church Premises (with particular reference to sanitary facilities, parking lot, fire fighting equipment, etc.).
- Church Premises is then duly licensed/denied within one month of submission of application.
Waste Management Services
The District Environmental Health Office (DEHO) is responsible for the storage, collection, transportation, and safe disposal of waste.
Liquid Waste Services
Prospective customers to call personally at DEHO or contact any of the accredited Private Companies to book a date for dislodging.
Pay the appropriate fee as specified in the Assembly’s fee fixing resolution.
The Officer in charge of liquid waste at the DEHO will ensure the service is delivered within five (5) working days.
Solid Waste (Door-to-Door) Services
Register with the Assembly’s authorized Private Waste Collection Company operating within the area where the services(s) are required.
Timetable for collection of waste would be made available to the customer upon registration.
The customer is responsible for the provision of appropriate refuse containers(s) for storage of his/her waste.
The customer is to pay a monthly fee to the Waste Collection Company as specified in the Assembly’s fee fixing resolution.
Disposal of Industrial/Commercial Waste
Apply in writing to the District Chief Executive and copy the Director of DEHO with the following details;
Type of waste material
Location of the waste material
Tonnage/quantity of the waste material Frequency of dumping/generation
- Officers from DEHO will be detailed to inspect and recommend the appropriate process to collect, transport, and dispose of the material(s).
- A bill is prepared based on the type, tonnage/quantity, and the distance from the location to the final disposal site.
- Evacuation commences to the final disposal site after five (5) working days of submission of the application subject to payment of the approved fee.
Acquisition of Quarter Driving License
Who can apply?
Any person who drives a taxi to ply, hire or convey goods or passengers within the District
How to apply
Purchase a Quarterly Driving License application form from Assembly’s Revenue Office
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