The Amenfi Central District is one of the fourteen (14) political administrative District in the Western Region of Ghana and was carved out of the then Wassa Amenfi West District in 2012 by the Legislative Instrument (L.I) 2011. It was bounded to the North by Bibiani – Ahwiaso ekwai District, to the North – West by Sefwi Wiawso Municipal, to the South by Ellembelle and Nzema East District; to the South-East by Prestea Huni-Valley Municipal, to the East by Amenfi East Municipal and to the West by Amenfi West Municipal. The District covers a land area of about 1,845.93 square kilometers. Manso-Amenfi is the District capital and it is about 150 km from Sekondi. The District has a projected population of about 91747 (2020) with males constituting 49.2% and females being 50.8 %. The Assembly has twenty three (23) elected members from twenty three Electoral Areas, eleven (11) Government appointees, one Member of Parliament and a District Chief Executive.


The Amenfi Central District Assembly exists to facilitate improvement in the quality of life of the people within its jurisdiction through equitable provision of services for the total development of the District


To become a modern District with harmonious communities and assured livelihoods


The district falls within the wettest parts of the country, with average annual rainfall ranging from 1500mm to 2200mm. The district experiences a bimodal rainy season; March to July and September to early December. Temperatures are generally high ranging from 26̊ C – 27̊ C (75̊ F – 83̊ F) during the year. August is the coolest month of the year and the maximum temperatures occur in March. The district being one of the richest cocoa growing areas in the country is affected by this climate. The climate of the district is suitable for the growing of various crops, particularly both cash and food crops as stated earlier on. Nevertheless, the climate has put the district in an enviable position of being one of the leading producers of cocoa in the country. The good climatic condition provides high water table which is good for the drilling of boreholes and construction of hand-dug wells.



The district falls within the high rain forest zone and has two (2) major types of vegetation cover. These are the moist semi-deciduous forest found in the northern part and the tropical rainforest found in the south where rainfall is heaviest. The district has four forest reserves covering a total area of 425.14 kilometre square. The table below shows the various forest reserves and their coverage area with stool names of traditional areas under whose jurisdiction the forest reserves fall. Some trees and plants in the forest have high medicinal value. The forest also protects water bodies such as rivers Fure and Samire which also drain the district. The forest cover of the district is made up of closed forest (highly dense vegetation), moderately closed trees with herbs and bush cover, moderately dense herb/bush with scattered trees and the open forest with sparsely inhabited trees. The various forests in the district also provide the necessary natural habitat and congenial atmosphere for different species of animals such as antelopes, deer, monkeys, birds, squirrels, snails and a host of other forest animal species which provide the source of meat to not only the inhabitants of the district but also those outside. The different species of animals also add to the beauty of the environment and as tourist attractions. The forests contain many economic tree species like sapele, odum, mahogany, wawa etc. Most are exploited to feed the wood processing firms. Some are exported mostly to European countries. The forest cover in the district also makes it very difficult for agriculture mechanisation.



The District lies geologically within the Ghanaian Shield area which consists of the lower Upper Birimian which situated at the south-western part of the district, the mixed rocky settlements in the north-western, he Alluvial which also stretches along the Ankobra River in the eastern portions of the district. The Hornblende form a major part of the district and cover about 1,877.41 km2. It falls within the Asankrangwa-Manso-Nkwanta gold belt which is associated with the Birimian rocks. The prevalence of large gold deposits in the district has led to the sprouting of mining activities within the district. Consequently, the district has the potential of generating revenue through taxation and royalties as well as creating employment for the inhabitants from the mineral deposits. Irrespective of the numerous benefits derived by the district from these mining activities, their negative repercussions on the environment have become worrisome. For instance, the Galamsey (illegal mining) in the district has destroyed vast tracts of arable land, forest reserves and polluted the water bodies in the district causing acute water shortage to a lot of communities.

Cultural Structure

Wassa is the dominant ethnic group in the district. However, there are other minor ethnic groups such as Nzemas, Sefwis, Asantes and Akyems. The Wassas are culturally homogeneous with respect to lineage, inheritance and succession. Like other Akan settlements, inheritance is through matrilineal lineage. Funerals, chieftaincy and marriage rites are also purely of Akan origins. The language spoken by the people in the district is predominately Twi.
The institution of chieftaincy is an important component of the social organization of the district as in the rest of the country. The Amenfi Central District has a number of divisional chiefs who pay homage to the Paramount Chief (Omanhene) of the Wassa Amenfi Traditional Area at Wassa Akropong. Under the traditional setup, the Omanhene is the head of the Traditional Council. In all, there are about forty-five divisional chiefs under the Omanhene.
The major Festival of the people in the district is the Yam Festival, which is celebrated annually between March and April to herald the harvest of the water yam. It is celebrated to offer thanks to the gods for bumper harvest and for protection throughout the year.

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