The department of Health at the District Assembly level consists of the office of the District Medical Officer of Health. The functions of the Department of Health:


OUR SERVICE STANDARDS Who can apply? Any person or organization who has legal title to immobile property or plot of land and intends to develop, redevelop/renovate or change it. How to Apply  Purchase the Building Permit Application Form (BPA) and TCP Form one (1) from the Revenue office and Development Control Unit at the main


The Department of Physical Planning at the District level shall manage the activities of the Department of Town and Country Planning and the Department of Parks and Gardens. The Department: (a) Advise the District Assembly on national policies on physical planning, land use and development; (b) Co-ordinate activities and projects of departments and other agencies


The Agriculture Department in the District: (a) Participates in provision of extension services in the areas of natural resources management, and rural infrastructural and small scale irrigation in the District; (b) Assist in the formulation and implementation of agricultural policy for the  District Assembly within the framework of national policies; (c) Submit report on the


The Central Administration Department is the Secretariat of the District Assembly and shall be responsible for the provision of support” services, effective and efficient general administration and organization of the District Assembly The Department manages all sections of the assembly including: (ii) Estate (iii) Logistics and Procurement (iv) Accounts (v) Stores (vi) Security and The


The Amenfi Central District is one of the fourteen (14) political administrative District in the Western Region of Ghana and was carved out of the then Wassa Amenfi West District in 2012 by the Legislative Instrument (L.I) 2011. It was bounded to the North by Bibiani – Ahwiaso ekwai District, to the North – West


The education, youth and Sports Department of the Assembly is responsible for pre-school, special school, basic education, youth and sports, development or organization and library services at the district level. The department harmonizes the activities and functions of the following agencies operating at the District level: The functions of the Department are:

Acquisition of Food Vendors Certificate

All individuals or organizations wishing to operate, handle, serve or sell food within Amenfi Central District. Please Note: Licensing of Hospitality Facility/Premises Owners, managers, or operators of hotels, Motel, Guesthouses, Hostel, Restaurant, and Eating-Houses are required to acquire environmental sanitation certification from the Assembly on the suitability of their facility or premises intended purpose and

Business Operating Permit

It is expected that every business within Amenfi Central District Assembly’s jurisdiction obtains a Business Operation Permit. As the name sounds, a Business operating permit is a license that enables you to undertake/do business in the District. In order to fast track, the process of acquiring a Business Operating Permit and do business with ease